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Ron's Infrequent Rants

Special Geek Day!

I bought a PC yesterday. It's a HP slimline (s5730y). Those of you who are far more versed in PC geekery can tut-tut all you want, but I personally am very pleased with it's performance.

Today, I spent three hours moving computer equipment, rewiring, and figuring out how much of my peripherals I wanted to move over from my Mac MINI (ancient, 1.25 ghz Power pc). I was doubting that I'd get much work done on panel 2-3 because of that. BUT this HP works much better than the old iMac, and drawing was like a dream. SO, even though the vote image dosn't look much different, clicking on it will show you just how much cleaner the linework is on panel 3 and how smooth the shading is on Greenbee!

What's with the guy?

Ok, so I'm putting up a "guest comic" that I was working on in September of 2009 before I decided to work on Bee Police. I figured I could put it up here so you could see one of the other projects I have on the back burner for now...

the storyline is tentatively titled "Redemption". It's about a reasonablly good thief, who's real claim to fame is that nobody knows him.


Ok, some clarification: The Main character has a curse, or a blessing depending on how you look at it. He is anonymous, and remains anonymous unless he's in extended visual contact with someone. He's the non-descript guy nobody can quite recall. Even after hours of spending time with him, people can't describe him after he's been gone a few minutes. Having a photo doesn't help either, since he only vaguely matches the photo.

Anyway, I'm putting these panels up to give you all something interesting to look at while I'm taking my ever dwindling week off of Bee Police. -- Yeah, right, I'm taking a break. really!

Vote Incentives

OK, I'm trying something different for vote incentives. YES, I want you to vote! and to do so, I'm gonna put up the panels I'm currently working on, in whatever state they're in at the end of the night, each night I get a chance to work on 'em.

Of course, the panels may change a bit before the final page is up, but in general, if you vote, you'll get to see the comic as it's being made.

Vote Incentive for DATE X

Here's a Preview of the DATE X update, "INSERT CATCHY TITLE HERE" .

CLick here to vote for Bee Police! and get a peek at the next update!

OH, yeah, I'm hating the fact that I can't do a simple ssl include or a php include or anything else that doesn't invlove making an IFRAME. SO, I'm making this include as generic as possible and hoping you'll check this out every now and then.

It's a free site! Whattaya expect?

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