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Get-out-getoutgetout! Dialog:

QB: The Drones were useless. they couldn't make new bees, and they ate too much. So I kicked them out.

GB: Ouch. Isn't that kind of harsh?

QB: The survival of the hive requires sacrifice and all our efforts. The drones did no work -- and the dorks kept trying to mate with me, so they had to go.

QB: It's all part of your plan to stop the plague. don't you Remember?

GB: marginal interruption: Beetalk

Drone: Hey baybee, wanna mate?

QB: Not on your LIFE, buddy!

Drone: Mating IS my life!

QB: Just die already will you?

Drone: Can I pick the method?

Get-outgetoutgetout! continues

GB: Uhh, no?

QB: You're making my antennas ache!

QB: You said "Our offspring will be like us, smarter and stronger. They will go out and make the other hives like ours."

GB: By making the queens evolve and kicking out the drones? Won't that actually make fewer bees?

QB: Evolved queens won't lay as many eggs as unchanged queens, but the quality of the brood will more than make up for quantity.

GB: But without drones, only the changed bees will mate, and all the old bees will die off.

QB: Exactly.

GB: And You don't have a problem with this?

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Ron's Infrequent Rants

More Temporal Dyslexia!

You could call it De-Ja-vu, but-

-IS that French, 'Tish!?


Anyhow, De-Ja- (I see you tensing, Gomez, sit DOWN! Stop interrupting!!) Okay. Back to what I was saying... Umm, what was I saying?

Oh, Yeah. My dyslexia knows no bounds, be it time or space. As such, (and like I said before) My train of thought got derailed one night a couple months ago, and I ended up naming an update incorrectly. Since then, I've been putting updates on the site one day earlier than I planned.

It's not been a big problem, until my work started slamming me with hours, which lead to a lack of sleep and associated disorientation. As such, I've lost all track of time, and been more than a little grumpy.

SO, I'm gonna take a break this week, and try and get an update done by midnight of the 10th. You'll all see it posted as the update for FRIDAY the 11th.

See you all in 14 days!


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Here's a Preview of the DATE X update, "INSERT CATCHY TITLE HERE" .

CLick here to vote for Bee Police! and get a peek at the next update!

OH, yeah, I'm hating the fact that I can't do a simple ssl include or a php include or anything else that doesn't invlove making an IFRAME. SO, I'm making this include as generic as possible and hoping you'll check this out every now and then.

It's a free site! Whattaya expect?

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